Queer Feedback Sessions Spring 2024 [OPEN CALL]

Deadline: 31 October 2023, 23:59
Queer Feedback Sessions is open to anyone who understands themselves or their work as in someway "queer" or "LGBT+." AHK students, staff, and Alumni encouraged to apply.
The Queer Feedback Sessions cohort will be made up of 6 artists, 2 researchers, and 2 trainees, a new role for those interested in learning how to use our feedback techniques in classrooms and/or artistic sharing spaces and contexts. All participation will support the development of queer feedback theories and methodologies. You will be asked to commit to all QFS days. However, artists will do so through working on and sharing one (or more) of their current artistic projects. Artists will have the opportunity to present their work twice and receive feedback from a group of peers. The Researchers on the other hand will contribute by examining a specific theoretical or practical aspect of queerness, pedagogy, and/or performance feedback. Researchers will be asked to present their research topic on the first day of QFS and to present their findings at our closing session. Both Artists and Researchers will meet with one of IPOP's Artistic Coordinators (Elioa or Szymon) to discuss where they are in their process and how they would like to conduct their session/presentation.
As a Participant you will :
- Receive an honorarium of €200.
- Connect with an exciting group of queer makers and researchers in the Amsterdam area.
- Learn to co-create feedback environments that suit your needs.
- Present your work and receive feedback (except for Trainees).
- Receive mentorship from professional queer artists.
Because the Feedback Sessions are intended to develop a group of artists who are engaging with each other's practice on a deeper level, attendance is of primary importance. Our seven sessions will be held from 11.00 to 17.00 on Saturdays: 3 February, 10 February, 24 February, 2 March, 9 March, 6 April, 13 April, and 20 April. Sessions will take place at DAS Graduate School (Overhoeksplein 2) and ATD (Jodenbreestraat 3) both in Amsterdam.
IPOP is open to anyone who understands themselves or their work as in someway "queer" or "LGBT+." We welcome applications from a diverse range of people and do not require or expect any particular relationship to sexuality or gender. We encourage especially students, staff and alumni of Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (AHK) (including the ATD and Filmacademie) to apply, however we are more than happy to accept applications from people with different affiliations and backgrounds or interests in queer performance.
As IPOP we would like to underline the collaborative aspect of these sessions. Our methodology and approach has been largely informed by experiences and creative dialogue with the participants of two previous cohorts.
Deadline for application is 31 October, 23:59 CET.
Between 6 and 10 November we will invite pre-selected applicants for a 20 min Zoom interview.
On 13 November we will announce who will partake in the third QFS cohort.
Please fill out this application if you are interested in participating in IPOP's Feedback Sessions. If you prefer not to submit an application, you can record a 5-7 minute video instead and share it via email or a link.
LINK: forms.gle/nYjYp88SZwbzhk9w6
Please contact us at queerpedagogies@gmail.com if you need support with this application or have any questions. Mind that sessions are taking place in Amsterdam and we are not able to contribute for any travel nor housing expenses.