Risa Horn

Risa Horn works as a chef. Putting words together and tastes together is the same process, the focus is on compositions of textural experience. More broadly, this focuses on the politics and materiality of sensorial reorganization. Risa also performs as Lost Time, part of the House of Løstbois, enacting speculative fictions as experiments for existing.

They hold an MA of Art Praxis from the Dutch Art Institute, and a Bachelor of Fine Art from Tufts University and the School of the Museum of Fine Art, Boston, as well as a certificate from The Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, at Naropa University. Their work has been shown in The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, The deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, The Peabody Essex Museum, American Illustration- American Photography, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, the National Endowment for the Arts, Radio Télévision Suisse, and their work is held in the permanent collection of the Hellenic Centre for Photography Library, Athens. She has been invited as a guest lecturer at Harvard University, Tufts University, Greenbuild International, the Dutch Art Institute and The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as a guest researcher.

Risa is currently based in Amsterdam. They work as an independent editor for scholars engaging pedagogy and performance as forms of resistance in queer and decolonial methods.
