Leni Van Goidsenhoven
Leni Van Goidsenhoven (she/her) is Assistant Professor of Critical Disability Studies at the Department of Literary and Cultural Analysis at the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and visiting professor of critical disability studies at Gent University (Belgium) . Van Goidsenhoven’s research focuses on disability, illness, neurodiversity, inclusive learning environments, and non-normative bodyminds in the arts and literature. She has a special interest in reconceptualizing voice, the importance of integrating lived experiences in research, crip theory, care ethics, and accessibility aesthetics. She published in international journals such as Choreographic Practices, Qualitative Inquiry, Qualitative Research, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, Choreographic Practices and Frontiers of Psychiatry. She is the author of two books, Autisme in veelvoud (Garant, 2020) and OnGehoord (Epo,2021), and the ‘What Are You Reading’ editor for DiGeSt - Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies. She also works as a curator regularly, both for theatre houses and museums.