Marijke Hoogenboom

Marijke Hoogenboom became Professor at the Academy of Theatre and Dance in 2012, where she is leading DAS Research (previously: the Performing Arts in Transition research group). Since 2003 she is also in charge of the supra-faculty Artists in Residence programme AIR of the Amsterdam University of the Arts. Marijke has studied theater science and German philology in Berlin and Amsterdam and was one of the founders and part of the artistic management of DasArts/Master of Theatre. Currently she is part of the Management Team of the Academy of Theatre and Dance and the chair of the new DAS Graduate School. 

She is an advisor for the Dutch Fund for Performing Arts, part of the council of the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Frankfurt, and the council of the Postgraduales Forum of the University of Berlin. Also she is on the editorial board of the Routledge Journal Performance Research and the Palgrave book series New Dramaturgies. From 2008-2010 she was the programme director for the research project Inside Movement Knowledge and has recently co-initiated Het Transitiebureau and De Agenda, two critical platforms in the Netherlands with and for a diverse group of professionals from the field.

Furthermore, until 2013 Marijke she was a member of the Grants Committee of the Prince Bernard Cultural Fund, until 2011 she was an advisor for the Inter-University Center for Dance at the UdK in Berlin and until 2010 shared responsibility for international policy at the Dutch Council for Culture. In 2008 she received the Marie Kleine-Gartman Pen for artists and theatre commentators from the Dutch Stage Association.

Publications (selection)

- ‘Het is nog steeds een toekomst’ Het Nederlandse theater, bezien vanuit het buitenland, in: Theaterjaarboek 2016, p.73, Theatermaker februari 2016.

- Leading the insider out and the outsider in, Interview met Marijke Hoogenboom door E. Werdenfels, in: Theaterjaarboek 2016, p.91, Theatermaker februari 2016.

- Een fair practice label voor de podiumkunsten, waar ligt de grens? tekst door Maud Mentink, in: Zichtlijnen 169, nov 2016.

- Politiek en kunst als yin en yang, ontwikkelingen in het theater, interview met Marijke Hoogenboom door Robbert van Heuven, in: Boekman 109, 2016.

- Alle vernieuwing begint bij het kunstonderwijs, in: Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs editie 2016-4, 2016.

- Archeologische verwachting: hoog! (translated: Archeological expectations: high), in: Traces of Time, Grootlab's transformation into a place for arts education, DAS Graduate School, Academy for Theatre and Dance, 2016.

- Vibrant (translated: Vibrant) in: De kracht van het theatrale beeld, p.38, de Theaterschool, 2016.

- Op een andere manier lopen (translated: Walking a different way), by Hester van Hasselt & Marijke Hoogenboom, in: rekto:verso nr. 69 December 2015 - Januari 2016.

- Geen verbinding zonder besmetting (translated: No connection without contamination) , interview with Dominique Willaert & Jeanne van Heeswijk by Marijke Hoogenboom & Wouter Hillaert, in: rekto:verso nr. 69 December 2015 - Januari 2016.

- Van olie naar Graduate School, Hester van Hasselt in conversation with Marijke Hoogenboom for de Theaterschool, 2016.

- Moestuin van het cultuurlandschap (translated: Growing the arts in the cultural landscape),  in: ON AIR 2015-16, Amsterdam University of the Arts.

- De nakende school, (translated: The School Unbound) in: rekto:verso nr. 68 Oktober - November 2015 

- Künstlerische Forschung in den Niederlanden und an der Amsterdam University of the Arts, in: Frankfurt in Takt 15/2 Künstlerische Forschung.

Lecture For Every One in Darmstadt Germany, 29 and 30 July 2014.

- Skills of the 21st century (translated: Skills of the 21st Century), in: ON AIR 2014-15, Amsterdam University of the Arts.

- 'Imagine things otherwise', A text for the 10th anniversary of the Hessische Theaterakademie, 7 december 2012.

- Beitrag 'Alphabet der Transdiszuplinären Forsung', Graduiertenkolleg Versammlung und Teilhabe, Urbane Öffentlichkeiten und performative Künste,, 2012 Hamburg Germany.

- 'Het lectoraat is een motor voor innovatie', interview by Moos van de Broek with Nirav Christophe, Marijke Hoogenboom and Pascal Gielen, Theatermaker October 2012, Amsterdam.

- Columns ON AIR, views and voices from the Artist in Residence programme at the Amsterdam University of the Arts. Vol. 1, September 2010, Vol. 2 March 2011, Vol. 3 October 2011, Vol. 4 June 2012, Vol. 5 December 2012.

- Christoph Schlingensief: Fear at the Core of Things, Metropolis M, no3 June/July 2012, Amsterdam.

- Land unter in den Niederlanden, Theater der Zeit, Schauplatz Ruhr, January 2012, Berlin.

- Comment vivre ensemble, Notes on Tele_Trust, RTRSRCH, Vol.3 No.2, Amsterdam 2011.

- We doen aan mensen, toespraak uitreiking Prijs van de Kritiek aan de Nederlandse theater- en dansproductiehuizen in Frascati 2011.

- On ignorance, emancipation and the art academy, in: Terry Barrett (ed.), Art works, People respond to contemporary art, Thieme Art, Deventer/Amsterdam 2010.

- Building with blocks, in: Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, Vol. 1(1), February 2010, Routledge, Oxfordshire.

- If artistic research is the answer – what is the question? Some notes on a new trend in art education, in: Victoria Pérez Royo, José Antonio Sánchez (eds.), Practice and Research, Cairon 13, Journal of Dance Studies, Universidad de Alcalá 2010.

- Recht auf Risiko, Theater der Zeit, April 2009, Heft 4, Berlin.

- Pina ist tot, Nederlands Toneelverbond,, Amsterdam 2009.

- Who is afraid of (art) education? Some indecent proposals, in: Ulrike Melzwig, Marten Spangberg, Nina Thielicke (eds.), Reverse Engineering Education in Dance, Choreography and the Performing Arts, follow-up reader for MODE05, b_books, Berlin 2007.

- Conditions for Research, in: Bertha Bermudez, Scott deLahunta (eds.), Capturing Intention, Documentation, analysis and notation research based on the work of Emio Greco/PC, Amsterdam 2007.

- Together with Alexander Karschnia, Na(ar) het theater, After Theatre?, Supplements to the international conference on postdramatic theatre, Amsterdam 2007.

- Let's suppose the academy is a place for artists…, Preface for AIR#0, a publication to capture the first four years of Artists in residence at the Amsterdam University of the Arts, Amsterdam 2007.

- Op een andere manier lopen (translated: Walking a different way), by Hester van Hasselt & Marijke Hoogenboom, in: rekto:verso nr. 69 December 2015 - Januari 2016.

- Geen verbinding zonder besmetting (translated: No connection without contamination) , interview with Dominique Willaert & Jeanne van Heeswijk by Marijke Hoogenboom & Wouter Hillaert, in: rekto:verso nr. 69 December 2015 - Januari 2016

- Van olie naar Graduate School, Hester van Hasselt in conversation with Marijke Hoogenboom for de Theaterschool, 2016.

- Moestuin van het cultuurlandschap (translated: Growing the arts in the cultural landscape),  in: ON AIR 2015-16, Amsterdam University of the Arts.

- De nakende school, (translated: The School Unbound) in: rekto:verso nr. 68 Oktober - November 2015 

- Künstlerische Forschung in den Niederlanden und an der Amsterdam University of the Arts, in: Frankfurt in Takt 15/2 Künstlerische Forschung.

Lecture For Every One in Darmstadt Germany, 29 and 30 July 2014.

- Skills of the 21st century (translated: Skills of the 21st Century), in: ON AIR 2014-15, Amsterdam University of the Arts.

- 'Imagine things otherwise', A text for the 10th anniversary of the Hessische Theaterakademie, 7 december 2012

- Beitrag 'Alphabet der Transdiszuplinären Forsung', Graduiertenkolleg Versammlung und Teilhabe, Urbane Öffentlichkeiten und performative Künste,, 2012 Hamburg Germany.

- 'Het lectoraat is een motor voor innovatie', interview by Moos van de Broek with Nirav Christophe, Marijke Hoogenboom and Pascal Gielen, Theatermaker October 2012, Amsterdam

- Columns ON AIR, views and voices from the Artist in Residence programme at the Amsterdam University of the Arts. Vol. 1, September 2010, Vol. 2 March 2011, Vol. 3 October 2011, Vol. 4 June 2012, Vol. 5 December 2012.

- Christoph Schlingensief: Fear at the Core of Things, Metropolis M, no3 June/July 2012, Amsterdam.

- Land unter in den Niederlanden, Theater der Zeit, Schauplatz Ruhr, January 2012, Berlin.

- Comment vivre ensemble, Notes on Tele_Trust, RTRSRCH, Vol.3 No.2, Amsterdam 2011.

- We doen aan mensen, toespraak uitreiking Prijs van de Kritiek aan de Nederlandse theater- en dansproductiehuizen in Frascati 2011.

- On ignorance, emancipation and the art academy, in: Terry Barrett (ed.), Art works, People respond to contemporary art, Thieme Art, Deventer/Amsterdam 2010.

- Building with blocks, in: Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, Vol. 1(1), February 2010, Routledge, Oxfordshire.

- If artistic research is the answer – what is the question? Some notes on a new trend in art education, in: Victoria Pérez Royo, José Antonio Sánchez (eds.), Practice and Research, Cairon 13, Journal of Dance Studies, Universidad de Alcalá 2010.

- Recht auf Risiko, Theater der Zeit, April 2009, Heft 4, Berlin.

- Pina ist tot, Nederlands Toneelverbond,, Amsterdam 2009.

- Who is afraid of (art) education? Some indecent proposals, in: Ulrike Melzwig, Marten Spangberg, Nina Thielicke (eds.), Reverse Engineering Education in Dance, Choreography and the Performing Arts, follow-up reader for MODE05, b_books, Berlin 2007.

- Conditions for Research, in: Bertha Bermudez, Scott deLahunta (eds.), Capturing Intention, Documentation, analysis and notation research based on the work of Emio Greco/PC, Amsterdam 2007.

- Together with Alexander Karschnia, Na(ar) het theater, After Theatre?, Supplements to the international conference on postdramatic theatre, Amsterdam 2007.

- Let's suppose the academy is a place for artists…, Preface for AIR#0, a publication to capture the first four years of Artists in residence at the Amsterdam University of the Arts, Amsterdam 2007.


- Opera Forward, seminar 1: The possibilities of theatre as a place for interaction, with contribution a.o. of Marijke Hoogenboom: 'Not just a mirror'. 17th March 2016.

- 6-9 nov deelname aan conferentie The Turning Point of Theatre van Shanghai Theatre Academy.

- 13-15 nov deelname en gespreksleider symposium Artistic Needs and Institutionals Deries Graduate School van de Universität der Künste Berlin.

- 2015 benoemt tot nieuw lid van de Hochschulrat HFDKM in Frankfurt.

- 20 mei in Het Nieuwe Instituut deelname aan panelgesprek  Between Realities Platform Scenografie.

- deelname aan discussie PACT Zollverein.


Van olie naar Graduate School, interview met Marijke Hoogenboom door Hester van Hasselt, 2016
