NBA Personal Plan

With the support of a Comenius fellowship (2019-2023), Iva Lesic and Marion Vijn developed the NBA Health Awareness week. The output of this project was the pilot of a small screening and 1:1 follow-up for the NBA pre-education, taking place twice per year. This can be seen as an adapted version of the screening and screening follow-up procedure practiced by H&P in the Dance Bachelors.
Health Awareness Week Announcement
Looking to make this action structural to the NBA programme, H&P is managing its implementation starting in the school year of 2023-24. Trying to remove the good/bad dually associated with words such screening and evaluation it was decided to call this moment Personal Plan. The idea is to convey a dynamic process where personal goals are associated with action-driven steps.
The Personal Plan check-in happens twice p/ school year – Block 1 and 3. On each check-in there is a physical and a psychological/mental component. Physical and psychological/mental measurements are taken in groups and, posteriorly, each student has two 1:1 conversations: one about the physical and one about the psychological/mental. Here, the student discusses with Iva Lesic (physical) and with Marion Vijn (mental) the results, formulates goals and intensions and plans actionable steps towards those goals/intensions. It is important to acknowledge that mental and physical overlap and that the 1:1 conversations might not be purely physical or mental. For that reason, the team meets after each round of Personal Plan check-ins, with the Health Representative of each year group, to discuss the conversations and determine if further action is needed. These conversations are confidential and its content will not be shared outside of the Personal Plan team without the students’ consent, unless there are safety concerns.
Outcomes of these project are:
- individual: self-monitoring and self-regulating. The Personal Plan is a tool that promotes individual management but also facilitates objective conversations with mentors, coaches and teachers, if a student decide to share the report.
- artistic department: Group data visualization enables communication with the Artistic Department concerning curriculum content, load exposure and health/wellbeing initiatives needed
- support department: H&P appointments’ type (shift distribution/ add new services) and appointment quantity (hours budgeted Vs hours needed)
Personal Plan team:
NBA 2-4: Iva Lesic, Marion Vijn, Sofia Ornellas Pinto
NBA 5-7: Iva Lesic, Marion Vijn, Sofia Ornellas Pinto, Marleen Grol