Anthony Heidweiller
Anthony Heidweiller is director of the Academy of Theatre and Dance.
Anthony Heidweiller has a long track record in national and international professional practice. As artistic director of the Yo Opera Festival, he focused for decades on collaborating with new target groups. As artistic director of Vocal Statements, Heidweiller has developed education and participation projects to bridge the gap between the performing arts and the multicultural society.
He has received various prizes for his work, including the Prins Bernhard Cultuurprijs for education and the Cultuurprijs of the city of Utrecht. He is also a much sought-after artistic producer nationally and internationally. He was Artistic Associate Director of the Opera Forward Festival of Dutch National Opera & Ballet and has been associated with the Festival Aix en Provence in France since 2019. He has also been a member of the Society of Arts (Akademie van Kunsten) since 2019. In 2022 Anthony was awarded the distinction Officier in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau.