Choreographic practice and urban space making

Dates: 6 May 15:00-18:00 & 7 May 11.00 -14.00 hrs.
Location: Het Nieuwe Instituut Rotterdam, inside and outside
Contributor: Sabine Zahn
Description: This practical research workshop proposes choreographic possibilities as to engage with urban space as space of action. Based on the understanding that city is a complex and often enough conflicting emergence of different systems, motivations and doings in close proximity, we will see how choreographic partaking can modify this emergence of public urban space. The workshop is led by Sabine Zahn who is a Berlin-based choreographer and a Fellow of the THIRD program at DAS Graduate School. She conducts this workshop on basis of her artistic practice with urbanity. As her work will be present in the exhibition „In Search of the Pluriverse“ at Het Niewe Institut Rotterdam, the workshop interrogates the urban surroundings of the Institute and connects to facilities and thematic strands of the exhibition itself (communalidad, making worlds, futuring). The workshop is open for any current or past students of the ATD and DAS curious about urban space as physical space and the emerging questions towards applied choreographic practice.
For more information and to register: