Overview workshops
The Wastelands Team organizes a ‘starter of the day’-class on Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning.
You can sign up for one of the following classes (subject to change).
Tuesday 25th of February (10:00-10:45)
- Yoga class (vinyasa) by Honora Gibbons
- Massage class by Vivienne Rodriquez de Brito
- Capoeira class by Zoi
Wednesday 26th of February (10:00-10:45)
- Yoga class (vinyasa) by Honora Gibbons
- Meditation class by Eva Pema Rycroft
- Capoeira class by Zoi
- You do not need to have any experience for one of these classes.
- Bring a towel to these classes and wear comfortable clothes
- You can bring your own yoga mat or materials, or you can use one of the materials from the Academy.
- You will have to choose two different ‘starter of the day’-classes. So if you do yoga on Tuesday, you have to choose another class on Wednesday.
After the ‘starter of the day’-class on Wednesday 26th of February the focus will be on Inspirational workshops. Professionals from the working field will give 2 workshops this day.
These workshops are to broaden your vision, get inspired by or get introduced in. Also this is the week to try something you haven’t done before.
All workshops are set up to all levels.
You have to sign up for both the morning as the afternoon workshop, so 2 workshops this day for 2 different inspirational workshops
Workshop Jakop Ahlbom Company by Luc van Esch (https://www.jakopahlbom.com/)
Jakop Ahlbom was born in Sweden in 1971. In the early 1990s he moved to the Netherlands where he studied Mime at the Amsterdam School of the Arts. Upon his graduation in 1998 he was presented with the Top Naeff award for the most promising student. His gift for choreography had been noticed – and so had his poeticism and his ability to get his cast to unleash their energy, bravado and physicality. In the past two decades he has been working on his own, idiosyncratic oeuvre.
During this workshop you will be working with ‘wonderbox’. This is a box of cards Jakop Ahlbom uses in the studio when creating new material. The workshop will be taught by Luc van Esch. Luc van Esch has studied Mime at the academy, has been working with Jakop for a long time and is one of the performers in the succesfull horror performance that toured through the Netherlands last year.
Max. 20 persons
Workshop dance by alumni Merel Lammers (dancer with Scapino Ballet, Conny Jansen Danst, Hofesh Shechter Company and more)
Merel studied at the Modern Theatre Dance department of the ATD (then known as Theaterschool) from 2006-2010. She danced with Conny Jansen Danst (The Netherlands), Project Sally (The Netherlands) and Scapino Ballet (The Netherlands) before joining the Hofesh Shechter Company (UK) as a fulltime dancer in 2012 until 2019. With the company she toured internationally and taught numerous classes and workshops.
Max. 30 persons
Workshop "Do It Yourself Deconstruction Fashion” - Maaike Visser
Create your own anti-fashion identity.
This “inspirational meeting” is about modifying clothes in the broad sense of the word.
The process of breaking down conventions and normal boundaries of clothes by cutting, deforming, folding, attaching something to it and joining different pieces in a daring way. Destroying and constructing, decomposing and re-assembling.
You need to bring your own clothes or material. There is a container with residual materials in the studio to add things to the things you brought yourself.
Max. 10 persons
Workshop:Kasper Tarenskeen is a writer and director at Theater Oostpool, who makes new plays about young people and their epic struggles with modern-day life.
He co-runs the director duo Hulst & Tarenskeen with Jan Hulst, specializing in dark comedies. Their latest show, ShowMeister, is about a snobby theatre director who is forced by his marketing department to create a play with a superstar soccer coach (Jim Bakkum).
Before that, they made Baby Crazy, a play about a girl who, during a short break in her relationship, gets pregnant after a rebound with Justin Timberlake. Big problems.
In this masterclass, you will work alongside Kasper to invent a new play from scratch. We’ll see how far we can get in creating a Broadway-ready show—including a story, ideas for scenography, a few dialogues, the beginnings of a score, and whatever else we can come up with. Hopefully, it will be a chaotic and exciting 90 minutes where everyone contributes to building the best story possible.
Max. 20 persons
Rooftop garden workshop/ Toni and Inge
Seasonal gardening workshop at the rooftop with Toni and Inge, who started the rooftop garden with Platform Sustainability
Max. 10 persons
Machine building, motion and special effects with Merijn Versnel
Max. 15 persons
Workshop Voice acting door Tony Neef (let op Nederlandstalig)
Tony Neef werd bekend in 1996 door zijn vertolking van de rol van Chris in de musical Miss Saigon. Er volgde vele rollen in grote musicals. Een hoogtepunt was zijn rol als Wim Sonneveld in Sonneveld, de musical.
Op het gebied van Kleinkunst voelt Tony zich op zijn gemak. Hij schitterde in het veel geprezen Telkens Weer het Dorp, een hommage aan de tekstdichter Friso Wiegersma. Er volgde meer kleinkunstprogramma’s. Na de pandemie stond Tony met Maaike Widdershoven en Ruud Bos in de productie Het gaat goed met Nederland, wat voort kwam uit de programma’s Weet u nog wel en Weet u nog wel, een koffer vol met liedjes.
Tony schrijft voor vele artiesten liedteksten die te horen zijn op cd’s van Ruth Jacott, Gerard Joling, Wolter Kroes, Antje Monteiro en Willeke Alberti. Voor Jeroen van de Boom schreef hij de liedtekst Jij bent zo.
In deze workshop zal Tony beginnen met zelf een lied te zingen ter introductie, waardoor hij met de studenten werkt aan het overbrengen en de interpretatie van een lied. Daarna gaat hij met de verschillende studenten aan het werk.
Voor deze workshop mag je zelf een NL nummer uitkiezen. Zorg er voor dat je deze op je telefoon hebt staan voor gebruik. Samen werken jullie aan de voice acting van het nummer.
Max. 8 personen (let op Nederlandstalig)
Poezieboys; A workshop by the one-grip group
A few years ago we, the Poezieboys, came up with the theater company the one-grip group. A fictional amateur company that only performed plays consisting of one syllable words. Since then, they have been a regular part of our performances and poetry nights. For this we adapt classic and well-known films and plays, giving ourselves the task of being as infantile as possible. You learn to be very creative with language and it makes for very good language finds. The results are often funny but also touching scenes.
During this workshop we will work in groups on our own one-step scenes. We edit scenes from movies and plays and eventually bring them to the floor.
Max. 20 persons
Workshop with intimacy coordinator Markoesa Hamer
This workshop will explain and practice how to work with intimacy as a creator and player/dancer and to interpret and discuss it without crossing boundaries.
Workshop in morning will be in Dutch /Workshop in afternoon will be in English
Max. 10 persons
Rooftop Furniture pimp / Mia
Says enough right, let’s upgrade the rooftop furniture!
Max. 10 persons