Programme Tuesday 27 February

As the Wastelands week will be full of excitement, the Wastelands Team organized a ‘starter of the day’-class on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Students can sign in for a yoga class, mediation class or massage class. You do not need to have any experience for one of these classes. You can bring your own yoga mat or materials, or you can use one of the materials from the Academy.

After the ‘starter of the day’-class we will dive into the exchange between departments. In two rounds you can experience ‘a Day in the life of… (a different department)’. These workshops organized by and for students will give you a chance to get to know other departments and each other better. You can visit 2 departments, one in the morning and another one in the afternoon.

To finish off the day we all come together in studio 809 to exchange and have a drink together.


For signing up for ‘Starter of the day’- class and ‘A Day in a life’ (two rounds)
please go to Overview workshops

TIME SCHEDULE (subject to change)

Throughout the week the inspirational rooms in studio 406, 407, 408 are open. You can visit these on times when there is a break or at the end of the day. On the door of each studio you can see the theme.

Welcome 9:30-10:00
Where: hall
Walk-in. Welcome, in the hall there will be coffee and tea for you.

Starter of the day 10:00-10:45
Where: yoga 2.01, meditation: 2.02, massage: 6.05
Starter of the day-class, you can start the day with a yoga class, meditation class or
massage class. You will have to sign up for one of these ‘starter of the day’.
Sign up for one of the classes

Workshops 11:00-13:00
ECD - 2.01
DD - 4.10
NBA - 2.02
SNDO - 4.03
THD - 6.08
MIME - 6.05
ATKA - 8.12
REGIE - 8.13
OPP - TipTop
SCE - 0.44
D&T - 0.15

Day in a life of … (department workshop – round 1).
Sign up for one of the workshops

Lunch 13:00-14:00
Where: studio 809
Lunch in studio 809

Workshops 14:15-16:15
ECD - 2.01
DD - 4.10
NBA - 2.02
SNDO - 4.03
THD - 6.08
MIME - 6.05
ATKA - 8.12
REGIE - 8.13
OPP - TipTop
SCE - 0.44
D&T - 0.15

Day in a life of … (department workshop – round 2)
Sign up for one of the workshops

Drinks 16:15-17:00
Where: studio 809
Come together/ end of the day with drinks in studio 809

Inspiration 9:00-18:00
406 - 407 - 408
Inspiration room open all day.
