Birgit Cullberg scholarship for Jefta van Dinther, former student Modern Theatre Dance

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Jefta van Dinther, former student at the ModernTheatre Dance study programme, receives the Birgit Cullberg scholarship. The Swedish Arts Grants committee hands out the Birgit Cullberg scholarship on a yearly basis to a young choreographer.

The scholarship was founded by the Swedish government in relation to Birigt Cullberg's 90th birthday and was first handed out in 1999. The scholarship is allocated without solicitation by the working group for theatre, dance and film at Konstnärsnämnden and consist of 100 000 Swedish crowns.  

The motivation of the jury reads:  
”Jefta van Dinther's work, both the solo performances as well as his collaborations with other artists, are distinctly physical and always imply a researching of movement in dance. I his work, the creative process is displayed in real time on stage – and is often the very essence of the performance itself. With a playful relation to dispositive van Dinther also stages the relation between performer and spectator. With his most recent performance GRIND Jefta van Dinther indicates a direction within dance that is innovative and refreshingly unpredictable.”

Read the interview with Jefta van Dinther
