Afternoon workshop - Staying interested - Antje Pfundtner

Tuesday 28 June
Time: 13:00-15:00

 Stayinginterested: in the body, in themovement, in questionsandyourselfand in theothers 

Withthe help of improvisationalandcompositionaltasks I givetheparticipants different "tools" to discover anddefinetheirownmovementmaterialandpossibly put itinto a choreographicprocess 

My "tools" consist of exercisesthatdescribe concrete approaches to different levels of contemporary dance, such as: themotivationtobringone'sown body intomovement, self-perception, personality, group, space, time, action, gesture, object andposture. These "tools" serve as "guidance" andshouldmotivatetorethink, findand question one'sownneeds, attitudes and / or opinions in order to discover andformulate new insights or questionsaboutone'sownartistic action 

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