Evening performance - MTD graduates perform at Café Belcampo

Sunday 26 June
Time: 20:15 – 21:15 hrs.
Location: café Belcampo 
Tickets: https://cafebelcampo.nl/agenda/ 

Main programme: live performance
MTD graduates perform at Café Belcampo

Café Belcampo, thecultural café of the Amsterdam Public Library has had thehonor of presenting theworks of manystudentsandteachers of the Modern Theatre Dance department sinceitopened in De Hallen Amsterdam in 2014. On Sundaythe 26th of June at 20:15 hrs. a performance willbe held withworks of MTD graduates, including Robin Nimanong, ValeriaPrimost, Kristina Hanses, Ann KathrinGranhus andothers. 
