Interview - choreographers of LeineRoebana

Interview with one of the choreographers of LeineRoebana
Day: SaturdayJune 25 
Time: 11:45 – 12:30 hrs 

Entrance: free 
Interviewer: one of thedancers of the company  

LeineRoebanathe dance company led bychoreographers Andrea LeineandHarijonoRoebana, has been a leader in the Dutch dance worldandbeyondfor more than 25 years. The company is knownforitsexcitingphysical dance idiomandthecentralrole of music in thework. Performances withmusicperformed live, for large andcentral halls and special locations, surprise with special interweavings of contemporary dance, textandthe most diverse musical timbres. From gamelan toearlymusic, from dance tocontemporarymusicandalwaysperformedby top musicians. Performances that help to make thequestions of our time transparentandexperienceable. 

LeineRoebanaalwaysworkstogetherwith top qualitydancers, singers, musicians, composers, writers, designers andinstitutionsfrom home andabroad. The company has won severalawardsbothnationallyandinternationally. 

We thankLeineRoebanafortheir partnership withthe festival.
