Round table talk - Mapping out the working Field of the now - the dance field extended

Day: Saturday 25 June
Time: 17:00 - 18:00 hrs.

Free entrance 

Mapping out the Work Field - the dance field extended.   
A grand narrative of a contemporary dancer’s carrier- that one needs to work with a choreographer or a company – is slowly but surely changing. More and more dancers/dance students are interested in finding work outside of the ‘system’. Together with invited guests we will explore the work field from different perspectives.  

Zeynep Gündüz (teacher and researcher dance ATD) 

Suzy Blok / Head of ICK Artist Space 
Marc van Loon / Creative producer Iconic stories 
Gary Feingold / Cafe Belcampo, Kunstdialoog, HJS-Spring Plank program 
Kristina Hanses / Singer, songwriter and a dancer 
